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So I bought Bit.Trip Complete
September 27, 2011

I've heard some things from sources and videos about certain games in the Bit.Trip series, but I never got around to trying one of the games on WiiWare. Honestly, it was a hard sell to download one of the games by itself to me, at least without some kind of playable demo, so when a complete collection was released last week, I took a shot with it.

Some of the games are neat to play, like Runner, which is a platform game that forces itself forward with your running avatar. It's pretty basic, but hard to master when you're trying to collect all the gold in each stage. Memorizing some of the longer stages is difficult, too.

Beat is another cool one, a pong-style game where you need to deflect all incoming pixels coming at you. Starts out simplistic, as well, but the pixels start coming in abstract ways. The one that always throws me off are the pixels that immediately bounce back at your paddle, and keeps doing so until it reaches a border. Another neat thing about it is how, if you suck too much, the game gives you one last attempt to in some kind of silent, black/white, purgatory atmosphere. Suck more here, and the game ends. I like the controls for this game, too, where you have to tilt the Wiimote forward and back to move the paddle. It's odd at first, but you get the hang of it.

Some of the other games felt like lame, flash gimmicks, though. Void is one such example, a game where you're a black pixel, and you need to collect materializing black pixels for points. The more you collect, the bigger your pixel gets, which you can "reset" for points. There are also white pixels you must avoid while you collect. It's an alright game, but it's really something I can't justify buying on its own.

Void is another, where your character is stuck on this specific line path, and you need to avoid debris along the way. Yeah...

As a package, I like it, but I'm really glad I didn't get some of the games seperately. Anyone else play any of the Bit.Trip games? Opinions?

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