Invalid characterset or character set not supported Jesus Christ, my car insurance agency sucks.

Jesus Christ, my car insurance agency sucks.
February 25, 2011

A month and a half ago, I renewed my policy with them and paid the fee, and while I was there, I opted to do auto payment. Here I am, a month and a half later, and I get mail from them this afternoon. It says my renewal has been canceled, and in the very same fucking same envelope, it says I got a payment due on the 26th. Today is the 25th. I'm working tomorrow, and they close early. This is so beyond stupid.

Btw, Saturday is my normal day off, but I have to go in early tomorrow morning because the person that normally works that day took leave at the very last possible second. And I know why. He's going to a strip club this evening. So, yeah, I have to work on my day off just so he can go to a strip club.

I also found out today that he tried to get me to work on Sunday too. The first thing my manager said to me was that that he left his phone number with her, and that he wanted me to call him about me working on Sunday. I called, and he put me on hold. Then I told him no.


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