Invalid characterset or character set not supported So today's moral of the story is:

So today's moral of the story is:
February 01, 2011

Don't entrust me to park your car. I'll unknowingly hand the keys to a stalker, assuming it was a friend.

Jesus Christ...

Most recent blog posts from Wendell B...

JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - February 01, 2011 (03:20 PM)
Oh crap.
dementedhut dementedhut - February 01, 2011 (03:34 PM)
Don't worry, it "ended well". She got her keys back after he parked it, then she took a picture of him.

But really, this is easily the dumbest thing I've done in my life, I seriously deserve all the ridicule I get. She was shockingly forgiving about it... but I actually would feel much better if she knocked me out.

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