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December 02, 2007

I think Hollywood should remake Robocop. There is no way it could top the original movie, BUT maybe they could give it a few sequels that aren't complete crap. Maybe a cool Robocop game?

I just watched Robocop 2 last night if you were wondering what sparked this topic. It was bad, although not as bad as i remembered it. I didn't even realize Frank Miller wrote or co-wrote the screenplay.

Most recent blog posts from Nick Daffinson...

Genj Genj - December 02, 2007 (06:28 PM)
Yeah Frank Miller claimed that Hollywood raped his work and bitched about the final product a lot. And he still went and worked on Robocop 3.

Yes, the one with ninjas. And flying Robocop.

The original film is still hella awesome at least. I can't really see a remake (and any sequels) being anything but fucked up by Hollywood. You'd probably need someone competent with complete control or Paul Verhoeven to handle it.
pup pup - December 02, 2007 (08:34 PM)
Nick. I don't know you anymore.
daff daff - December 02, 2007 (08:53 PM)
Do you think the Idea of the 10-12 year old Drug dealing kid with a dirty mouth was Frank's idea?

And pup I'm hurt. I thought you'd understand.
pup pup - December 02, 2007 (10:47 PM)
I would understand, except for the contradictory statement, "...they could give it a few sequels that aren't complete crap." We both know that the project would land in the hands of some no-talent hack who will sully Alex Murphy's good name further and make him into some sort of backflipping, CG Neo.

In case it makes you feel better, Sony Pictures began pre-production on a remake of Robocop in 2005, although rumor has it that production ended because Sony Pictures felt it was too soon.
disco1960 disco1960 - December 03, 2007 (10:48 AM)
I've only played the NES version of the first game, but I thought it was pretty good.

I vaguely recall enjoying the first TV series as well.

It's always the first one!

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