Invalid characterset or character set not supported So simple, yet so wretchedly unreadable

So simple, yet so wretchedly unreadable
December 10, 2009

Anyone who can read through the first link below without feeling nauseous is much stronger than I.

The story's the furthest thing from profane--it's just proof that people wrote stupidly even 100 years ago and gives hope maybe we all haven't been getting dumber. Behold, the Arabella and Araminta stories.

I would never have found them if not for the internet--surprisingly, worldcat doesn't list them in any nearby libraries except U of C, which claims not to have a copy. I don't blame them.

The shaggy dog story for how I found these was

1. I read the Guardian top 10 book lists, noticing that the Adrian Mole series popped up a lot in people's favorites.
2. I read the Wikipedia page on Adrian Mole, who would've been Nigel but for Nigel Molesworth. Read the Adrian Mole books. The early ones are very good--the later ones, okay.
3. I read all about St. Custard's in the Compleet Molesworth.
4. Read Molesworth 3 times while I had it out on interlibrary loan.
5. Found there were two sequels--a grown up Molesworth--and bought the one I couldn't get on interlibrary loan.
6. Found Basil Fotherington-Thomas's sister and wife, Arabella and Araminta, funny. Internally applauded the author's creativity.
7. Somehow by accident found "Arabella and Araminta" was an actual book.

It's certainly no Young Visiters.

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