Invalid characterset or character set not supported Other TI stuff

Other TI stuff
July 18, 2009

After writing my Munchman review I was disappointed I couldn't fit other stuff in there. I didn't have much experience with it, mainly just at my friend's house, and we did other stuff like play basketball and stuff too.

Other things I remember were in Indoor Soccer, where I got so mad my friend thrashed me I scored an own goal. The tradition persists to this day--if I play a soccer game, I try for an own goal early on.

Also, Decathlon, which got ported to several different systems, where the computer's Russian and Chinese players, who never played, won the 100-yard dash in 7 seconds, which prompted all sorts of Commie steroid jokes even before Rocky IV. Well, we could beat the guy from Chile!

Maybe I have a different angle on my Apple Decathlon review now than describing the mechanics for all ten events in a row with slightly awkward detail--lumping a few together would help the flow.

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