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No energy for a review
July 27, 2007

Well, I just got through writing up all 20 levels of Miner. It's a silly little game, only hinting at the greatness of Lode Runner. Basically, the controls suck. But in a way that's heartening. Often when I want to write something and it doesn't read nearly as smoothly as I thought it up, I wonder if I can really ever get there. Miner vs Lode Runner is an example of how things can improve with maybe a little feedback and a little concession to the (hypothetical) people who are, apparently, supposed to enjoy the game.

I can't really write a review about this without retreading my other Lode Runner reviews and adding something downbeat, so I won't. All I can say is, Lode Runner fans, this is an interesting history lesson.

Most recent blog posts from Andrew Schultz...

retro retro - July 28, 2007 (04:31 PM)
If I can write a review after a 2+ year hiatus, Andrew "The Reviewing Machine" Schultz definitely can.

I've been wanting to tell you that I submitted a few of my best Atari 2600 reviews to AtariAge's site, one which doesn't even have a review up, to be posted. It's been over two months and not one has been....guess you have to have your own official site or something; I used both GF and HG when giving the "complete URL"s.
aschultz aschultz - August 01, 2007 (01:44 PM)
And an audience. AtariAge may be more nuts and bolts, broad overview. They're good at information and specs but leave the emotional stuff to others. Keep trying though and don't let that discourage you.

At least I've been cranking out FAQs/maps though. Right now they seem so much more useful and give more instant gratification.

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