Invalid characterset or character set not supported I may have inadvertently convinced my one friend to get a Wii by showing him this video.

I may have inadvertently convinced my one friend to get a Wii by showing him this video.
March 20, 2009

The more I play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, the more I like it. I guess that makes it the anti-No More Heroes.

Most recent blog posts from Mike Suskie...

zippdementia zippdementia - March 22, 2009 (12:49 AM)
Really? I was disappointed in MP3. I thought it lost that explorative touch that made the other metroids so fascinating. It's fairly linear, actually.
Suskie Suskie - March 22, 2009 (07:26 PM)
That's actually my one big problem with it so far, but it does remove a lot of the backtracking that a lot of people didn't like about the series. Otherwise, it feels like a more focused design than Echoes, which I personally was underwhelmed by.

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