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November 02, 2007

Seeing as we get a blog here, I thought I may as well make use of it. The name is PAJ89, as you can see, and I've recently started as a freelancer at My first effort is now up, a Brunswick Pro Bowling review, which you can check out here. I know I can improve, but feedback is appreciated.

Robot_Vampire Robot_Vampire - November 03, 2007 (08:31 AM)
Lol, Hey Paul. I just joined to see whether I could get a freelance job when I actually write a few decent reviews for Gamespot. So I signed up now so I won't have to later.
PAJ89 PAJ89 - November 03, 2007 (10:37 AM)
Cool :)
PAJ89 PAJ89 - November 04, 2007 (09:03 AM)
Cheers Ben :)

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