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Nooo...lost progress =(
February 13, 2008

Ah. Went out for a few smokes with my buddy, and somehow my computer rebooted itself when I was gone and I lost a bunch of edits and progress I made on the Star Ocean review... awww... and I'm getting so close to finishing it!


Anyhow... pretty sure I'm gonna pre-order Crisis Core soon. And forsake the purchase of Patapon... is this a good decision? Well... Patapon looks neat and all, but it just doesn't seem like what I'm lookin' to play.

Anyone else got CC pre-ordered or are going to get it, anyway? It's really hard to resist this game giving its hype and what not.

Most recent blog posts from Luke Schirmer...

Felix_Arabia Felix_Arabia - February 13, 2008 (04:05 PM)
I can't say I have too much interest in Crisis Core -- I have actually have none. However, I am very much interested in reading this Star Ocean 3 review once it gets finished. Don't let a little thing like a rebooting computer keep you from finishing it! Fight on, fighter!
honestgamer honestgamer - February 13, 2008 (05:07 PM)
This is the reason the first thing I do when I make some progress on a file is save it. Then it's just a matter of a simple keystroke (CTRL+S) to save any additional progress from that point. Takes literally less than a second. If a friend comes over for brews, CTRL+S (though I don't have friends or beer, two facts that may be related in ways I've not yet fathomed). If the phone rings, CTRL+S. If my wife calls me out to the front room? CTRL+S. Usually, that step isn't necessary, but sometimes it is and I've saved myself several hours over the past few years by keeping it in mind.

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