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Locoroco craziness
December 24, 2007

Well, I've began work on a Locoroco review. But I feel I should complete the game before I finish it. This is the second time that I've began on a different review than already scheduled. Silly me, oh well. Locoroco is a pretty cool game, but sometimes the music either disturbs me, or annoys me. Sometimes it's really good though, too. Specifically, the Halloween-esque song and some other tribal sounding song really annoy me. I can handle listening to pipsqueaks singing in jibberish for only so long. Thusly, I usually don't play Locoroco much longer than a half hour in a sitting. When I do sit down and play, there is usually something amusing that has come up in the stages. Charming game. I tried the Chuppa chuppa minigame and a crane minigame, the crane game just sucked balls. But the other game was kinda cool, you control the power the Chuppa chuppa shoots the loco and you have to guide it through a pinball esque labrynth, timing the power right every time. Kinda cool. Also cool, is the game allows you to take screenshots. So I just took a bunch, will probably submit them to the site. ME WANT TASTY HGPOINTS. Or something, lol.

This has been a pretty lazy winter break for me so far, the office I work at is being remodeled during and around the holidays so I basically got a vacation to screw around. I should do something social after Christmas though, for sure. I've been in the house for like a few days straight. O_O, not typical. I celebrated my birthday with Pizza and working on a democast for (demo broadcast) audition type thing I submit. It turned out pretty good.

Anyway, I wonder what I should do today...?

Ah, shoveling is one thing I need to do.

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LegacyGaming LegacyGaming - December 24, 2007 (08:43 AM)
Sounds like a decent game to rent a few times...I will wait and judge the game on your full review tho.
honestgamer honestgamer - December 24, 2007 (09:32 AM)
Shoveling and I do not agree. It always gives me back pains. A lot of things do, though. Since my sophomore year in high school when I pulled my back by over-extending to lift a 3-pound drawer when helping someone move, I have had back issues. It stinks.

LocoRoco is a game I always wanted to try, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
pup pup - December 24, 2007 (11:51 AM)
It's an amazing game. As goofy as it sounds, it's one of those games that you'll probably being smiling the whole way through.

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