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Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (XSX) game cover art
Platform: Xbox
Tags: Sports, Volleyball
Developer: Team Ninja


Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox) imageDead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox) imageDead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox) image

Staff Reviews

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review

Reviewed January 24, 2003

Jason Venter says: "If you lose your team partner, it's a major loss. You then have to work your tail off to get another team member so you can go back to playing volleyball. This is done through what serves as the other majority of the game, the gift exchanging. See, each girl has likes and dislikes, besides the whole winning and losing thing."
honestgamer's avatar

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review

Reviewed February 02, 2008

Sho says: "Whether you like him or not, you have to give that smug bastard Tomonobu Itagaki his due – the man’s got an enormous set of balls, and I’m not talking about the beach variety."
sho's avatar

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review

Reviewed October 14, 2005

Zigfried says: "The volleyball action itself can be pretty intense. Your opponents behave differently depending on their confidence level — "unwilling" foes are like those girls in Phys Ed class who always let the volleyball fall at their feet because they think hitting it might fracture their forearm. "Confident" opponents are like the Volleyball team captains — hyperkinetic, long-legged beauties who block even the jocks' spikes with ease. The nice bit is, you can actually predict the oppositions' attitude before a match based on their character portraits!"
zigfried's avatar

Reader Reviews

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review

Reviewed January 24, 2003

deedob says: "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Perhaps THE most hyped-up game in 2002. Does the game render the hype justice? My answer is: maybe... "
deedob's avatar

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball review

Reviewed January 18, 2004

dogma says: "Make no mistake: this is not a traditional experience. There is no alien race to shoot down in your airship before they invade the earth and exterminate humanity. There is no noble hero, taking up a sword to battle through an evil empire in hopes of rescuing a damsel in distress. In fact, there are ONLY damsels, and none of these beauties are in any kind of distress. The only grief these dolls may have had was finding out they’ve been invited to Zack Island, where they were expecting to find ano..."
dogma's avatar

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Reviews Around the Internet

Below are links to Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball reviews we found on external sites. If the site's content is still active, you can click on the rating the site awarded the game to open the review in a new tab or window, or click the name of the site to see a selection of other reviews from that outlet. The game's average score across the referenced sites (not including sites that don't offer a numerical score) is indicated to the right.

External Site

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