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Otomedius Excellent

Otomedius Excellent (XSX) game cover art
Platform: Xbox 360
Tags: Shooter, Scrolling, Horizontal
Developer: Konami
AKA: Otomedius X (JP)

Otomedius Excellent (Xbox 360) imageOtomedius Excellent (Xbox 360) imageOtomedius Excellent (Xbox 360) image

Staff Reviews

Otomedius Excellent review

Reviewed November 26, 2011

Jason Venter says: "Environments include vast and empty space (aside from enemy ships, of course), futuristic and very gray cities built on the side of cliffs overlooking waterfalls, the heart of a volcano and eventually caverns and a fleet of battleships. Settings are rendered competently but only occasionally with any originality. If you were to strip away the scantily-clad girls, Otomedius Excellent would be nearly indistinguishable from almost any generic horizontal shooter you might care to name."
honestgamer's avatar

Reader Reviews

Otomedius Excellent review

Reviewed November 19, 2011

dementedhut says: "After 26 years of Gradius games and various spin-offs, this is what the long-running franchise has come to: a new series featuring school girls in revealing outfits, piloting equally skimpy ships as they fight Bacterians invading Earth, who, by the way, consist mainly of women in "interesting" outfits."
dementedhut's avatar

Otomedius Excellent Reviews Around the Internet

Below are links to Otomedius Excellent reviews we found on external sites. If the site's content is still active, you can click on the rating the site awarded the game to open the review in a new tab or window, or click the name of the site to see a selection of other reviews from that outlet. The game's average score across the referenced sites (not including sites that don't offer a numerical score) is indicated to the right.

External Site

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