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Maniac Mansion

Maniac Mansion (XSX) game cover art
Platform: NES
Tags: Adventure, Graphic
Developer: LucasArts
More Platforms: PC


Maniac Mansion (NES) imageManiac Mansion (NES) screenshotManiac Mansion (NES) screenshot

Staff Reviews

Maniac Mansion review

Reviewed January 30, 2008

Sho says: "Why is there a chainsaw in the kitchen? Who’s that mummy and what’s he doing in the bathtub? How does Razor get her hair to stand up like that? Every LucasArts devotee worth his rubber chicken should already know the answers to at least two of these questions, but when this demented PC classic somehow managed to land on the NES it introduced a whole new audience to one of the most hilariously inventive point & click adventures of all time. "
sho's avatar

Reader Reviews

Maniac Mansion review

Review date unknown

royalranger says: "Maniac Mansion was an Adventure/RPG game originally created by Lucasarts for the PC. This version had eventually become a hit, so the designers decided to port the game to the NES with the help of a publishing contract with Jaleco. Nintendo's strict game censorship forced Lucasarts to remove many items from the game, but they were lucky enough to still manage to finish a full version of Maniac Mansion for the NES. "
royalranger's avatar

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