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Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2 (XSX) game cover art
Platform: Xbox 360
Tags: Action, Shooter, Sci-Fi, Third-Person
Developer: Epic Games


Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360) imageGears of War 2 (Xbox 360) imageGears of War 2 (Xbox 360) image

Staff Reviews

Gears of War 2 review

Reviewed January 30, 2009

Lewis Denby says: "The gunplay is brutal. But it's also masterfully paced, broken up every so often by a spectacular set-piece or a superb on-rails vehicular section. Combat is as effortlessly brilliant as before, with the landmark cover-system playing a predictably huge role. Particularly on higher difficulty levels, failure to fully utilise the conveniently-positioned walls and boxes that litter Gears 2's battlegrounds results in bloody death, so a more strategic approach is often necessary. Nothing too strategic, mind. You wouldn't want to tax your brain too much, after all."
Lewis's avatar

Gears of War 2 review

Reviewed October 21, 2020

Gary Hartley says: "A little elementary, my Gear Watson"
EmP's avatar

Reader Reviews

Gears of War 2 review

Reviewed November 16, 2008

dementedhut says: "Gears of War 2 shouldn't even be considered a sequel, because it really doesn't feel like one. What you're getting here actually feels more like an expansion pack. Upon immediately diving into the title's campaign mode, you'll feel right at home, because the controls are exactly the same as the original Gears of War, with some minor additions. Within the first few minutes of being in an actual gunfight, you'll be ducking behind cover, running and rolling between bullets, and chains..."
dementedhut's avatar

Gears of War 2 review

Reviewed June 22, 2009

ManOWarr says: "If you played Gears of War 1, then you pretty much know what to expect from Gears of War 2, but more so. "
ManOWarr's avatar

Gears of War 2 review

Reviewed March 14, 2009

Suskie says: "It took me around a week to finish the original Gears of War, while I managed to complete the sequel in less than twenty-four hours. It’s not that I was in any rush to beat Gears of War 2 (I wasn’t) or that the sequel is at all shorter than its predecessor (if anything, it’s a little longer). The game is so intense, so utterly captivating from title screen to end credits, that I had no choice but to keep playing. Its hold on me was that strong. "
Suskie's avatar

Gears of War 2 Reviews Around the Internet

Below are links to Gears of War 2 reviews we found on external sites. If the site's content is still active, you can click on the rating the site awarded the game to open the review in a new tab or window, or click the name of the site to see a selection of other reviews from that outlet. The game's average score across the referenced sites (not including sites that don't offer a numerical score) is indicated to the right.

External Site

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