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RollerCoaster Factory

RollerCoaster Factory (XSX) game cover art
Platform: PC
Tags: Strategy
Developer: Unknown


Reader Reviews

RollerCoaster Factory review

Reviewed June 27, 2007

KompressorFromGFAQs says: "When it comes to some so-called games that you see in the bargain bin at your favorite electronics store, it really gets to the point where you sometimes wonder at what point someone on the design team said aloud "Hey, this is finished! Alright, let's go home, I need to watch TV and drink large amounts of beer! Yay for liver damage!" It was clear that something like that was said far, far too early in "Roller Coaster Factory's" production, because this coaster building sim doesn't feel complete ..."
KompressorFromGFAQs's avatar

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