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Nanostray (XSX) game cover art
Platform: DS
Tags: Shooter, Scrolling, Vertical
Developer: Shin'en
AKA: Danshaku (JP)

Nanostray (DS) screenshotNanostray (DS) screenshotNanostray (DS) screenshot

Staff Reviews

Nanostray review

Reviewed April 17, 2006

Branden Barrett says: "Nanostray definitely sets out to accomplish a number of things. As you fly your particular aircraft over expansive jungles, towering space stations, and rocky canyons, you will begin to see that the game’s developer had hoped to cater to a plethora of people. From the retro gamer who knows his classic shooters to a tee to the types of players who always love that adrenaline filled challenge, developer Shin’en knew just what they wanted. "
destinati0n's avatar

Nanostray review

Reviewed August 03, 2005

Jason Venter says: "Some games are fond of throwing oceans of bullets your way and calling it thrilling. There’s none of that here. You actually have room to move. Not only that, but one collision with a stray bullet isn’t your end. You still need to avoid shield-draining projectiles, but losing sight of them amidst the gorgeous backgrounds isn’t fatal."
honestgamer's avatar

Nanostray review

Reviewed September 05, 2005

Michael Scott says: "Nanostray's portable, shoot'em up action is remarkable in so much as it plugs a hole I never knew I had. Like a virgin on prom night coming to the realization that there's more to the world than football and smoking after school, my eyes have been opened and I'm hungry for more. Pushing that analogy one step further, Nanostray's shortened challenge proves frustrating, its digital, pre-mature ejaculation unfortunately grinds the action to a halt just as things begin to heat up."
midwinter's avatar

Nanostray Reviews Around the Internet

Below are links to Nanostray reviews we found on external sites. If the site's content is still active, you can click on the rating the site awarded the game to open the review in a new tab or window, or click the name of the site to see a selection of other reviews from that outlet. The game's average score across the referenced sites (not including sites that don't offer a numerical score) is indicated to the right.

External Site

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