In the near future, Detroit is a dystopian city riddled with crime and widespread corruption, but the upstanding Omni Consumer Products corporation has a solution: RoboCop. Using the remains of the violently killed Alex Murphy, the Part Man-Part Machine entity goes about his duties dispensing brutal justice while also wrestling with memories of his former life. This outline serves as the overarching theme for the movies, and that tradition continues with the 2023 release of Rogue City, which canonically takes place after RoboCop 2.
Within a first-person viewpoint, the game wastes no time thrusting you into this viscous world as RoboCop and his no-nonsense partner Anne Lewis plow through a TV station being held captive. As he steps foot through the entrance, the trigger-happy thugs greet the cyborg with a hail of bullets. Here, you gain control in the very first combat scene, and the devs knew what players wanted right away; as you aim with his trusty Auto-9 gun, Murphy's vision will mark all nearby enemies, just like in the movies, making it easier to blow them all away. Literally. If you hit a head, it pops, if you shoot an arm enough times, it'll blow off in a bloody mist, and if you destroy someone's crotch, you'll get a PS5 trophy. And all this carnage unfolds as the iconic main theme plays on.
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