Most people think that Streets of Rage 2 is the best old school brawler of all time. Its predecessor was a warm up, its sequel couldn't touch it, its contemporaries, like the titles in the Final Fight canon, could not quite measure up. Streets 2 met them all, including the great beat-em-up patriarch, Double Dragon, head on, and they were all found wanting.
Streets of Rage 4 is the long awaited -- and I mean LONG awaited -- sequel to Sega Genesis's king of best-of lists, by Lizardcube, the king of both beautiful hand-drawn characters and of mining for soul-stirring nostalgia. (I mean, have you seen The Dragon's Trap?)
Full disclosure: apparently, I'm an odd duck, in a few ways that apply here. I didn't have a Sega Genesis in its heyday, so I missed out on Streets 2 when it was initially out there kicking butts and taking names -- I made do with Final Fight 1 and 2 (the latter of which I really liked for some strange reason, for all its flaws). When I tried to recreate the magic of Streets 2, to see what everyone was talking about decades post-zeitgeist, naturally, the game didn't do for me what it did for everyone a generation earlier. Naturally.
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