As of this writing, there's currently a box, its contents costing me a solid $400, sitting next to my television, just waiting to be opened and hooked up. But it's been four days since it arrived, the box is slowly gathering dust, and I blame this bizarre and unexpected circumstance on a game I purchased off Xbox Live two days prior to its delivery. When I saw the title Skydive: Proximity Flight in the arcade section and gazed at the images provided, I thought it was ridiculous, subsequently downloading the demo in hopes of a good chuckle. About 15 minutes later, I was instead feeling dazed and irritated. So clearly, I did the right thing by immediately purchasing the full game afterwards.
I should mention that I was also intrigued by the experience to the point of wanting more, and maybe get some detailed explanations on the baffling mechanics and gameplay presented in the demo. You see, the game's title is a bit misleading in the sense that, yes, you skydive, but specifically, you're actually BASE jumping, which is the act of jumping off a cliff or another fixed location. It's also a helluva lot more dangerous than normal skydiving. With that said, the demo only offered the single task of making it to the bottom of an impossibly slanted and grassy mountain region, against three other aficionados. I originally thought this was going to be fiercely easy, but once my character took the first jump, I was shocked at the sudden, insane speeds he was gliding at: weaving around canyons, under bridges, and through tiny holes as if the Death Star's weak spot was just ahead.
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