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MechAssault (Xbox) artwork

MechAssault (Xbox) review

"Lightning streaks across the sky, lighting up the forest around you. You quickly take stock while the illumination abounds. Enemies spotted. Infantry, Elemental power armor, tanks, choppers, and worst of all, mechs. 5 storie tall lumbering beasts of destruction are coming for your blood. That's the bad news. Good news is you're in a mech too. As you continue to destroy everything, you hear growling coming from your stomach. It's time to put the game up and eat, but you don't want to. You can't. ..."

Lightning streaks across the sky, lighting up the forest around you. You quickly take stock while the illumination abounds. Enemies spotted. Infantry, Elemental power armor, tanks, choppers, and worst of all, mechs. 5 storie tall lumbering beasts of destruction are coming for your blood. That's the bad news. Good news is you're in a mech too. As you continue to destroy everything, you hear growling coming from your stomach. It's time to put the game up and eat, but you don't want to. You can't. It won't let you. It holds you fast to your seat, and you play for hours on end.
This is just a brief introdcuction of what to expect from the immersion factor of MechAssault. MechAssault is not just an assault upon other machines of death, it is an assault upon the senses. As guitar riffs play in the background, explosions rock your world so realisticly, you could swear that you were in the cockpit of your machine. The graphics and special effects will leave you wondering if you are watching a movie, playing a game, or experiencing these things in real life. However, good graphics and good sound do not automatically make a game great...
MechAssault shines not only in technical performance, however, but also in control scheme and gameplay. The controls are so well mapped out, it is impossible to forget which button does what. The gameply itself is amazingly fun, as well. Let's face it, giant robots that destroy things are just plain cool. The campaign mode is sweet, with an interesting story line, plot twists included. I won't give away any of the plot detail here, it would ruin a good gaming experience. What I will say, however, is that this game is a must have. Play it and love it until your eyes pop out. Strangely enough, you'll probably be too happy to care. It's only downside, as I can see it, is the lack of more than 2 player multiplay on 1 XBOX system. However, the game does support system link, so if you have enough friends, the game won't die. It is also Live ennabled.

xboxaddict318's avatar
Community review by xboxaddict318 (March 31, 2003)

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