Invalid characterset or character set not supported Wait... Conduit 2 came out two weeks ago?

Wait... Conduit 2 came out two weeks ago?
May 01, 2011

Coulda fooled me, I saw zero advertising for the game. Did anyone here actually get the game? How was it?

Most recent blog posts from Wendell B...

Suskie Suskie - May 01, 2011 (10:01 AM)
It came out the same day as Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat. Jason's had a review copy he's been trying to get rid of, and I remember when I asked him when the game releases, he was like, "Today." I had no idea either.

I'm hearing it's a lot like the first one, only with more varied environments. The awesome controls really made the original game for me, but I'd be disappointed if the sequel is just a copy-and-paste job when there's so much room for potential.
honestgamer honestgamer - May 01, 2011 (10:12 AM)
I found someone to review it, too, and I suspect that in a few days we'll have a review posted. Woo hoo!
dementedhut dementedhut - May 01, 2011 (12:03 PM)
Ah, ok, I was curious, since I haven't played with the Wii in a long while.
asherdeus asherdeus - May 01, 2011 (08:04 PM)
One of the staff members on Thunderbolt got the game and proceeded to rant for more than half an hour about how terrible it is. I feel bad for whoever has to review this for you.

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