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Long time no review
March 30, 2006

After a month of no review writing, I forced it upon myself to spit one out. The review I did I didn't take seriously; I was even at a point where I was wondering whether or not I should even submit it. However, it was a drastic change in formula; I basically just typed my thoughts down as they came to mind, no matter how incoherent (except for at the end where I tried to squeeze some stuff in). The result is a mess.

I refuse to even bother trying to submit it here in its current state, but I'd like to know if the way it plays out is terrible or mediocre, as I doubt it's good. This is mostly for experimentation so I can take more risks in a future, serious review where I'm actually giving a damn. That said, the reason why I haven't been active here is simply because I haven't been as writing-heavy as normal. I'm still not in a writing mood, really. But I have abrupt mood changes, so we'll see.

Most recent blog posts from Jordan Skinner...

midwinter midwinter - March 30, 2006 (09:00 AM)
Seriously, that was pretty good. Admittedly I only read the first 3 paragraphs as I've got to crash out, but what I saw makes me want to go back and finish it later. Nice work Hex!
hex hex - March 31, 2006 (11:54 AM)
Thanks, though the review kinda hits a downward spiral, namely towards the end, I think >_>. But with the first bit, I'm happy to know it's workable.

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