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Cat People
December 29, 2007

A girl at work just spent over $10,000 on medical bills for her 6 month old cat. After all of the spending the cat didn't survive. This girl was crying her eyes out when I saw her yesterday. She had taken two days off of work to deal with the pain of losing the cat.

My wife's whole side of the family loves cats and at various family functions I have heard many cat conversations last well over a half hour.

Maybe it was how I was raised, but i don't get how people can love cat's so damn much. I like them alright, but if my cat's medical procedure would cost over $500 I would put it to sleep without any hesitation. I like animals in general, I just hate how people put them above or on the same level as other people.

Most recent blog posts from Nick Daffinson...

Felix_Arabia Felix_Arabia - December 29, 2007 (05:29 PM)
$10,000 is pretty ridiculous for a cat.
honestgamer honestgamer - December 29, 2007 (06:03 PM)
I grew up in a farming community. That 6-month-old cat would've developed a severe case of lead poisoning, you can be sure.
espnking2002 espnking2002 - December 29, 2007 (08:57 PM)
Cats are boring.
jerec jerec - December 29, 2007 (10:16 PM)
I couldn't see myself spending that sort of money on a pet. Though I know I couldn't afford it to begin with.
bluberry bluberry - December 29, 2007 (11:00 PM)
I would feel downright dirty spending $10k on a pet's medical expenses when there are sick people out there too.

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