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Reading? Books?
March 08, 2006

Jason Venter told me a long time ago when I wrote a review for Zone of the Enders that I should read Ender's Game, because my introduction was awful and I made a reference about the book because it had "Ender" in it and I was awfuler back then. So I took it out of the library for Spring Break.

I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix a few weeks ago. My girlfriend bought me Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and I finished that in about three days. Then I read The Da Vinci code, which was gripping but a little annoying and now I'm reading Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk.

I never read a lot in High School, but I've been bored with games and movies lately and books provide a nice distraction. Plus when I'm bored I can pull out a book and read a lot easier than I can bust out my laptop or PS2. And games in general just aren't that exciting right now. I need a new FPS game that's as good as Half-Life 2 or FEAR and that sadly isn't happening.

When are Half-Life 2: Aftermath and SiN coming out?

Most recent blog posts from Matthew Wadleigh...

Halon Halon - March 08, 2006 (05:30 PM)
Aftermath's name was changed to Episode 1, and I think it's coming out in late April. Episode 2 is also due later this year.
lasthero lasthero - March 09, 2006 (05:08 AM)
Ender's Game is a pretty cool book, though it has an abundance of angst and annoyingly smart-ass kids. The angst is justified, though. You'll enjoy it, methinks.
pup pup - March 16, 2006 (12:05 AM)
Read Ender's Game. Drop Harry Potter, and read it. It is quite possibly the greatest sci-fi novel I have ever read. In fact, it's just one of my favorite novels in general. Not to get too college-boy on you, but it's an amazing examination of politics and human ingenuity.

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