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Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox) artwork

Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox) review

"Just because there are a lot of sexy scantily-clad girls who try to knock you out of their senses with boobs doesn't conceal the fact that Dead or Alive 3 is one of the crappiest 3D fighters ever. Sensual women who show whatever they can when you least expect it do not conceal the shallowness of the game. I don't have anything against Ayane as a person, I am not against Kasumi being so sexy. But if these are here to to bring players to a game that doesn't deserve your attention, then Mr. ..."

Just because there are a lot of sexy scantily-clad girls who try to knock you out of their senses with boobs doesn't conceal the fact that Dead or Alive 3 is one of the crappiest 3D fighters ever. Sensual women who show whatever they can when you least expect it do not conceal the shallowness of the game. I don't have anything against Ayane as a person, I am not against Kasumi being so sexy. But if these are here to to bring players to a game that doesn't deserve your attention, then Mr. Underpants is infuriarated.

Why this game is so hyped, I will never understand ! Is it the presence of girls ? But my friend, sexy girls don't make a good fighter. ''What makes a good fighter ?'' you must certainly be asking now. Complex battle system, a diversified cast with characters that take weeks to master, a CPU that will kick your butt without any consideration for how much you spent to buy the game…DOA3 does have those but they are rushed and fail miserably to entertain.

Tapping buttons and mashing in the hope that the opponent will walk into the hits is referred to as 'scrub'. DOA3 is a paradise for these loathed scrubs. When I buy a fighter, I expect to be challenged to master great characters who each have a distinctive style. I expect to have to practice against the CPU and practice against human challengers a lot. I expect good controls so I can plunge in the game immeidately and pay no heed to what the hell is going on around me. Does DOA3 offer all this ? NO !

Sure, there are varied moves and the game is a giant leap ove the prequel. But since the prequel is so bad that I will not even care to review it, this isn't even a reference. Worse, DOA3 steals from 2D titles. Haven't I already sent a ninja crashing into a wall before jumping in a new room with him and continue hitting him mercilessly somewhere else before ? Backgrounds may be exceptionally rich in details and truly amazing but when I sit down and put DOA3 in my X-box, my first need is to have fun in a fighter…By fighting people…All in sheer fun but there is none of that in it !

Graphics do play an important role in games but in fighters ? The most important in a fighting game is the engine itself. It must be well-done so as to provide the player with a decent grip until he is eventually immersed in the game. Well, at least, there is no denying that DOA3 is a graphical masterpice. Such detailed characters and these sweet backgrounds will undoubtedly have you drooling at your TV screen. Judiciously-place cameras will show you kinky stuff so you can be amazed at Tecmo's nice efforts.

DOA3 is simplya beautiful games but the good points stop here. The different styles of fighting no longer manage to keep you interested and they have not been worked upon enough to have you seeking complete mastership with a given character. Where is the excitement of meeting a stronger foe than you ? Where is the challenge of tackling a top-tier character with a low-tier one ? All this has disappeard as emphasis has been put solely on graphics and hot girls.

To the misters at Tecmo, we thrive to play true fighters. You want to put hot girls in ? Fine by me ! Just don't forget to include an actual gameplay next time. The new control system will have you tearing your X-box to pieces if you are not careful but thankfully, you do get used to it after some time. 2-player mode does hold some interest since you'll be playing against a buddy who will probably beat you afterwards for having him play this crap. But 1-player mode is ultimately boring and barely manages to entertain.

This leaves us with nothing. Nothing except the graphics which are bitter since this game isn't even fun ! In fact, DOA3 is a disgrace to the fighting genre ! Don't stop here, my friend.

Good :
+ The hot girls
+ The sexy girls
+ Yes, I am aware that's the same thing
+ Excellent visuals

Bad :
- Everything - What I mentioned above

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Community review by zoxea (Date unavailable)

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