Perfect Dark |
Platform: Nintendo 64
Tags: Shooter, First-Person, Sci-Fi Developer: Rare More Platforms: Game Boy Color, Xbox 360 |
Perfect Dark reviewReviewed April 03, 2005John L says: "I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Perfect Dark's wicked multiplayer mode, one packed with enough depth and nuance to make bland crapfests like Timesplitters 2's (admit it, you only liked playing as the monkey) squirm. The design is rad; levels such as the glass-intensive Grid, which features two large rooms connected by an elevator and some tight corridors, never fail to amuse, and the weapons fit just as neatly into this as they do the solo campaign." |
Perfect Dark reviewReviewed July 02, 2002ratking says: "Have you ever had those parties where you try to kill your friends with various weapons and it seems they same people always dominate and you always have those same bumpkins on the bottom. Well Perfect Dark continues the era. I, Donnie, still remains as the bottom even though I own the game, however being a bottom feeder is not that bad when you are playing Perfect Dark. There are tons of different ways to play it, and there is always the event modes incase you want some fun. Did I say I suck at..." |
Perfect Dark reviewReview date unknowntheredbaron47 says: "So this is Perfect Dark, Goldeneye’s sequel. Rare and Nintendo have done a great job on this game, but it is still just an update of Goldeneye. You can tell that the graphics and sound were all directly taken straight out of Goldeneye. And yes, if you’re wondering, I’m going to be making a lot of Goldeneye references in this review; PD is a sequel, so it should be better than its precessor. " |
Below are links to Perfect Dark reviews we found on external sites. If the site's content is still active, you can click on the rating the site awarded the game to open the review in a new tab or window, or click the name of the site to see a selection of other reviews from that outlet. The game's average score across the referenced sites (not including sites that don't offer a numerical score) is indicated to the right.
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Details | NA | EU | JP | |
Doom 64 Reviews: 2 Tags: Shooter, First-Person, Sci-Fi Release Date: April, 1997 (North America) |
Quake II Reviews: 1 Tags: Shooter, First-Person, Sci-Fi Release Date: June, 1999 (North America) |
Turok: Rage Wars Reviews: 1 Tags: Shooter, First-Person, Sci-Fi Release Date: November, 1999 (North America) |
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