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Vay (XSX) game cover art
Platform: Sega CD
Tags: RPG, Turn-Based, Fantasy
Developer: SIMS
AKA: Vay: Ryuusei no Yoroi (JP)

Vay (Sega CD) screenshotVay (Sega CD) screenshotVay (Sega CD) screenshot

Staff Reviews

Vay review

Reviewed May 11, 2013

Rob Hamilton says: "And then, right in the middle of all of that are light-hearted elements such as a horribly flatulent fairy who propels you across an ocean with her gas, a random encounter bull-man called "Retardotaur" and random townspeople who break the fourth wall to remind you that you're playing a video game. Wacky stuff like this works in a game like EarthBound, because most of that game has a somewhat whimsical outlook on things. With Vay, it's just distracting nonsense, like if Hamlet took a pie to the face while staring at Ophelia's body."
overdrive's avatar

Reader Reviews

Vay review

Reviewed December 21, 2007

Suskie says: "Like many RPGs, Vay begins with an ancient legend, told in full voiceover, that is sure to become relevant to the main character’s goals as he struggles to overcome insurmountable evil. "
Suskie's avatar

Vay review

Reviewed March 09, 2023

Vorty says: "Grindcore."
Vorty's avatar

Vay review

Reviewed December 28, 2009

wolfqueen001 says: "While you can only venture as far as the plot will allow, you never really feel restricted because of the ramped up difficulty in each new area. For example, you can’t pass through Danek-infested Fort Gilan without Pottle to reveal the secret passage. But once you enter it, the monsters within grow significantly in strength. You’ll likely die often just trying to raise levels, but, like any RPG, the path becomes manageable once your skills have improved."
wolfqueen001's avatar

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